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Bauke Tuitel

Year of birth: 1976
Job: Manager short-lease

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He visited 15 countries in 1 year, from South America to India. In 2014, he landed in Leiderdorp at the Supershortlease office. Far away from the vast expanse, but perhaps even further away from the average corporate office landscape.

“There is an open atmosphere here”, Bauke says. “With our small team, we can respond quickly. We know what’s going on with everyone, even privately. That does make the work a lot more personal! I also find humour very important. We have a committed team that is very interested in each other and in the customers. People who listen to each other. Are attentive. That works both ways, because what you give to others, you get back.”

Asking questions and listening: the Supershortlease team builds the organisation and determines joint goals with an open mind. The bar is raised ever higher, which Bauke likes. “I want to challenge myself mentally and physically. For instance, I run at least four times a week and regularly visit the gym.”

Does he have any tip with regard to distant travel destinations? “India is my favourite. A country of extremes. The combination of nature, people and food is wonderful. Travelling shapes you, changes you. You experience the freedom of deciding what you want to do.”

Sharon Kooistra

Year of birth: 1988
Job: Account manager short-lease

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She is a huge fan of snowboarding and a travel type. With the Maldives and Bali still fresh in mind, the excitement of going snowboarding in Canada beckons her. “There is still so much to see and experience”, Sharon feels.

So what is it with her and cars? Well: her first car was a Peugeot 207 Convertible. That already says a lot. “I love nice and open driving”, she says. Sharon also loves sports cars. “I visit the Porsche Days and the Super Car Sunday on the TT circuit in Assen every year. That exhaust sound! Don’t you just love it?”

Working at Supershortlease and Rebel lease feels like a second home to her. “I am very sensitive to the right atmosphere”, she says. “As back office account manager, I want to make leasing cars a lot more personal.

It is about more than just delivering cars; I want to connect with the customer. If this collaboration runs smoothly, this leads to more satisfaction from both sides. People around me tell me I am social and caring. It is great to always surprise customers with that. By doing that little bit extra.”

But the package she brings is broader than that. Sharon is also minces no words and is not too fond of waiting. And quite the perfectionist as well. “It just has to be neat”, she responds, laughing. “I figure everything out down to the last detail and take care of everything that is necessary. Companies spend money, and they can expect to be pampered. I consider that only natural.”

Ronald Meijers-Manuputty

Year of birth: 1980
Job: Account manager short-lease

For many years he was the owner of Nedcars, the car rental company in Amsterdam that is affiliated with Supershortlease. He has been working as an account manager at Supershortlease since February 2022. “My work is not only about cars, but especially about people”, says Ronald Meijers.

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How did you end up at Supershortlease? “We already worked together a lot, but at the end of 2021 Nedcars was fully incorporated into the group that also includes Supershortlease. Not long after that, I was asked to join the Supershortlease team. I like the short lease. The work is very similar to car rental, the profession in which I have felt at home for more than 20 years. This is a new step for me in a great team.”

What exactly does your job entail? “As an account manager, I have the task of finding the right car for the right customer and having it drive for the right price. After that, it is important to provide the best possible service to all those driving customers. By answering possible questions and managing things for them in the best possible way. My main task is to find suitable combinations that make everyone happy. Even if circumstances change.”

Do you have a thing for cars? “Yes, I've been a big fan of cars since I was a kid. I got that from my grandfather. He was always tinkering with Renaults, that was really his brand. I also recognize that passion for cars in myself, right down to Formula 1. Cars evoke emotion.”

Can you apply that emotion in your work? “A car can rationally exactly meet a customer's requirements, but if he or she doesn't like it, it won't work. Driving is about experience. And that is personal to everyone. In this work you often hear the personal story behind the wishes and I find that valuable. I bring people and products together.”

Can you give an example of such a successful match? “Recently there was a lady who wanted to short-lease a car. I noticed from everything that she found this very exciting. It was clearly not an everyday occurrence for her, and then you can play a decisive role with good advice. Is the car big enough for me?

How exactly does the short leasing process work? Taking the time to answer questions builds trust. Being able to put yourself in the shoes of that other person at such a time offers great added value in such a case.”

That says a lot about your empathy. What do you do besides work? “I am married and like to travel with my husband. We love to travel. That doesn't always have to be spectacular; a weekend to Rotterdam or Brussels is also very nice. Every now and then we do something special, like traveling for 3 weeks in California. Travel around with a rental car, visit cities and national parks, but also a Disney park. Just before corona we went to China and Taiwan.”

What do you look for on such trips? “On the one hand we want to relax and on the other we want to see beautiful things and take in a bit of culture. Take the street food in Taiwan for example. In the Netherlands I like extensive cooking and dining, but it is really nice to experience a different side. We are also lovers of Craft beer: specialty beer that is brewed in small, local breweries. They are always on the travel agenda. But everything is going at a slow pace.”

And if you don't travel? “We like going to the movies. Favorite are movies from Marvel, Star Wars and Star Trek.” Laughing: “That sometimes causes friction, because I'm a big fan of Star Trek and my husband of Star Wars. So that's two 'religions' on one pillow."

What can customers expect from you? "Genuine interest. I never ignore the human aspect. Without revenue the company cannot continue, but satisfied customers are even more important to me if possible. With this you create ambassadors for Supershortlease and in this way we expand our customer base in a nice way. We may work under the short lease, but we always aim for the long-term relationship.”

Gideon Mesu

Year of brith: 1976
Job: Account manager short-lease

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What do you do within the organization? “I work for Supershortlease as an account manager. Together with my colleagues, I handle all incoming requests, questions and everything else that can happen.”

What do you think about working at this organization? “There is a casual and relaxed atmosphere, I immediately felt this during my first conversation. Then - on a hot summer day after my contract was signed - I was promised that I would end up in a warm bath. Well; Nothing is less true! It's a nice club of people who care about each other. Everyone has an incredible drive, they work hard. But with a joke and fun.”

What is the most enjoyable part of your job? “The activities are broad, because we work in a small team. The variety that this creates appeals to me. No day is the same and you never know exactly what you are going to do in advance. I also don't keep a tight schedule for myself; my day is definitely different than expected.”

What do you like to do when you are free? “It's hard for me to sit still, so in my spare time I'm often doing odd jobs. I live with my partner on a

houseboat, so there is always something to do in or around the house. We have a large garden that also needs attention.”

And when that work is done? “Relaxing. I love to cook: slumping with friends and enjoying a tasty bite and a drink is great. We also have a number of dogs (Irish Setters and English Setters), which we often travel with. Then we go, for example, to the beach, the forest or the heath: nice hours of walking. I like being outside, getting some fresh air and feeling the wind around your ears.”

What's the deal with cars or driving? “As a little boy I was caught by the auto virus, idolized the brand with the prancing horse. I have built a small collection of scale models of this brand. My collection is now boxed, but the love is still there. I can now also appreciate several other brands. Although I now enjoy long rides more.”

What will customers notice from your work? “My maxim is: don't promise nonsense, keep what you promise. Be clear in your agreements and always take that one step extra. Customers can rely on that.”

Jolanda Oosterbaan

Year of birth: 1987
Job: Project manager Marketing, Communication en IT

In her own words, she is someone who always pushes buttons that you shouldn't press. “I'm just curious what happens then”, laughs Jolanda Oosterbaan. “With that, we discover how we can make things better for ourselves and for our customers, so that we can continue to grow our business.”

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What is your job? “I am Project Manager Marketing, Communication and IT. Our company has three labels that complement each other perfectly: Rebel Lease, Supershortlease and HuurMij. Supershortlease, for example, is doing very well online. We want to achieve the same for the Rebel Lease website. HuurMij is our rental label that has been successful in the region for decades. For these three components together, we will further define our identity and make communication a lot more personal. This is how we already work in practice. Now we have to disseminate that to the outside world as well.”

How do you want to tackle that? “Our company is growing strongly and that results in a lot of project work. Marketing is becoming more and more centralized. Everything has to be set up and developed in terms of system technology so that we can work even more decisively and efficiently. That is very convenient, because mapping out business processes and implementing new things is a fun part of my job.”

Who is Jolanda Oosterbaan? “A people person. Born and raised in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. After my study Communication Management in Utrecht, I settled in the western part of the Netherlands, close to Amsterdam. I'm not so quick to say "no" when I'm asked to do something. That is a strong point and at the same time a pitfall, I am aware of that. I am also very social: I get along well with almost everyone.”

What do you do when you are not working? “My husband and I love to travel. We have made several tours through the United States. It is an impressive country with so many different sides, all of which you can see while still being able to make yourself heard. Put us down somewhere and we'll have a good time. In 2018 and 2020 we had two little boys. The four of us went to Brazil at the beginning of 2022. Impressive experiences are more important to us than beautiful things.”

What did you do before joining Rebel Lease? “I worked in short lease, linked to a dealership in Alkmaar. where I worked for 12 years. First as a sales and marketing employee and in recent years as a project employee; a very varied position with sales, a part online marketing and administration. I did almost everything that came my way. I started at Rebel Lease on June 1, 2022.”

What have you learned in your previous position that you can apply here? “I know the industry, the system, and have so much experience in various aspects of the leasing process that I know how it works and what the customer wants from us. It is up to me and the Rebel Lease team to further define how we want to serve which customer groups, so that a successful match is created.”

How do you experience working at Rebel Lease? “There is a certain tranquility here. Call it 'controlled hectic', because it is indeed very busy. I was not used to that relaxed bustle at my previous employer. At Rebel Lease, Supershortlease and HuurMij, things are well structured.”

Do you enjoy coming to work in the morning? “Yes, I like working with a tangible product. People are also happy to choose a car, which gives a nice ambiance. What specifically appeals to me about Rebel Lease is the mutual cohesion, a kind of family feeling. Customers also specifically ask about certain employees. They build a relationship with their contact person and have every confidence in this. I hope that we can make that positive atmosphere visible to people who are not yet our customers.”

Eric van der Geer

Year of birth: 1972
Job: Fleet manager

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Some people simply know everything about cars. Eric van der Geer is such a person. He has a passion for technique and follows the developments of the car world closely. Originally trained as a car mechanic, he grew to the position of manager with his previous employer. Since 2007, Eric has been applying all his knowledge and experience as fleet manager of Huurmij Mobility.

“No two days are the same and that keeps my work exciting”, he says. “If I am not conducting price negotiations with suppliers, I may be working on maintenance, damager repair or getting new cars ready. I manage three guys in the workshop. Together, we make sure our fleet looks top-notch.”

He spends his spare time with his wife and 2 teenagers, a boy and a girl. Saturdays in particular are filled with volleyball and football. Both in his work and in fatherhood, he goes with his gut. “Your gut is an excellent starting point to base choices on”, says Eric. “That is an approach I got from my work as MOT inspector. Just like the ability to make decisions quickly.”

“It is either good or not", he states. “That is what I always say to the car mechanics I train: what choices would you make if it was your own car? That is the best frame of reference you have. And with that starting point, you always make the right decisions for customers.”

Tjeerd Stuivenberg

Year of birth: 1991
Job: Fleet manager

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With a father in the car industry, his love for cars developed from an early age. Tjeerd mainly likes regular-looking cars with large engines. “Crude cars”, he calls them. He has been working as an operational officer for Huurmij Mobiliteit since 2015. In particular for Supershortlease and Rebel Lease.

“I have fun colleagues and a diversity of tasks”, Tjeerd explains. “I love that; all those arrangements. I constantly need to act with regard to contract management, transport, planning, repairs and maintenance. That is why I am regularly in contact with customers. Those are usually pleasant conversations, but sometimes I have to be strict. I have a strong sense of justice, both for the customers and myself. That is why we fortunately always come to a solution together. The best moments are of course when I get to call customers about the delivery of their new lease car.

He himself loves driving to Austria and back during the winter. Tjeerd: “I love snowboarding. The freedom, the peace it gives me. Fantastic! And partying with friends afterwards. If it were up to me, I would go five times a year, but I can usually manage two times.”

In the summer period, he focuses on football, diving and barbecuing. If the weather permits it, Tjeerd fires up his barbecue every weekend. And not for a hamburger. No: they are dishes that can easily have 10-12 hours of preparation time. Think of pulled pork, a good piece of ham or a tomahawk ribeye. “The tastiest piece of meat there is”, he says. “What applies to barbecuing also applies to work: with attention and a little patience, you get the best result.”

Marco Rosenboom

Year of birth: 1968
Job: Fleet manager

He has enjoyed working in the automotive industry since he was 18. Preferably with a wide range of tasks under his hands. He finds the dynamism he is looking for at HuurMij, Supershortlease and Rebel Lease. "As soon as it gets busy, I'm in my element," says Marco Rosenboom.

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What is your history? “Before I started here, I worked for another leasing company for 17 years. After the takeover of that company, I saw my role become much smaller, after which I approached my contacts at HuurMij and Supershortlease about a possible switch. That became concrete on June 1 2021. They saw a future in my extensive experience in the industry.”

What appeals to you in your work? “It is a challenge for me to streamline the operational work at HuurMij, Supershortlease and Rebel Lease. In addition to claims handling and contract management, I also receive many other questions from customers to which I can answer. For example, when someone has short leased a car for a certain period of time and wants to convert this into a long-term lease contract. That can be arranged very easily and I play a pivotal role in that.”

How do you experience working at HuurMij, Supershortlease en Rebel Lease? “First of all, I get on very well with all my colleagues. The atmosphere is good, it feels familiar and that is a pleasant surprise if you - like me - have worked for other companies for a long time. There is also a good dynamic here, because of the combination of rental, short lease and lease. There is movement in the car stock and there is a lot of customer contact. It feels like a warm bath to me.”

What do you do privately? “Privately, I enjoy family life and I like to go for a walk with the dog, through the woods or on the beach. Darts is a great hobby, I've been doing it competitively for 30 years. My Friday evenings are reserved for this!”

What appeals to you in the automotive industry? “I got into it after high school and it has never let me down. I have been a car painter and LPG installer and now work in the lease business. I can still enjoy a skid course, driving in the terrain or on the track or touring around with a nice oldtimer. Provided the paintwork has been restored Picobello of course, because I have an eye for that. I dream of an exemplary restored Jaguar E-type. But I don't necessarily own it myself."

What do you bring into your work? “I hope that my view of business provides added value for customers. Certain decisions have a certain influence on operational matters and it is good to be able to anticipate them in advance and provide clarity to the customer. I am really someone who will try to help people as best I can. At the same time, I am always honest and straightforward. Even when something unexpectedly does not go well. Ultimately, it's about how you solve it for a customer."

Rick van der Meer

Year of birth: 1986
Job: Fleet manager

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What are you doing within Rebel Lease, Supershortlease and HuurMij? Together with the other fleet managers, I am involved in repair, maintenance and damage of all cars in the Rebel / Huurmij fleet. Actually the complete picture.

What do you think of working at this organization? So far I'm really enjoying it. I especially like the atmosphere on the work floor and the cooperation with my colleagues!

What is the most enjoyable part of your job? No day is the same. It is always switching between maintenance of cars, or damage that needs to be repaired. I am in contact with customers, drivers, but also with the garages / damage companies where the cars have been brought in. I really like the diversity: one moment you are busy arranging a small turn, the next you have to ensure that a major damage is dealt with correctly.

What do you like to do in your own time? If possible I like to go sailing with my family and friends, I own a boat myself, so that's wonderful! I also try to run 1 or 2 times a week, to keep moving a bit. I have an 11-year-old daughter. She plays tennis, so you can often find me on the tennis court in the weekends.

What do you have with cars or driving? I have been involved with cars from an early age, but eventually also made it my job. I started in the workshop at BMW. I worked there for 10 years, so I have a lot of technical knowledge. After that I moved on to the reception as a service advisor for the Volkswagen brand. So I know both sides: the technical work in the workshop, as well as the after-sales and contact with the customer.

What will customers notice about your work? I don't give up easily and I don't like to say no. There is a solution for everything. I therefore try to do everything possible for a satisfied customer.

Franco Vosse

Year of birth: 1965
Job: General director

For Franco Vosse, the love for his work is not so much in the prestige or income associated with being a director. “The main goal of my job is to make people function and perform better”, he knows from experience. “The win is when you rise as a team above the sum of all those individuals.”

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What type of director are you? “I want to be closely involved with our people and with what is happening in terms of planning, customer approach, etc. At the same time, the company offers me a platform to express myself. I like to laugh a lot together and that has a positive effect in a work environment. Communication improves and people come closer together. It also contributes positively to achieving objectives.”

What effect does this have on Rebel Lease, Supershortlease and HuurMij? “In position we are the biggest climber in the rankings. In 2020 we were in 41st place and a year later we had risen to number 32. So we are also making it happen in the business.”

You were at the cradle of the takeover of the company by Kroymans Financial Holding. How did that work? “Former owners Fred van Meegen and Koen van Ulden commissioned me to find a strategic partner or buyer. Co-owner Edwin Windhorst wanted to stay, to continue building the company with me. We have both promised to continue this under Kroymans for at least another 5 years, but we are no longer shareholders ourselves. On the other hand, they give us a lot of freedom to chart our own course within the holding.”

What is your personal new challenge? “We want to grow into a top-10 lease organization in the Netherlands. We can achieve this by growing autonomously and acquiring interested market parties. This should enable us to achieve a fleet of 15,000 cars in five years' time. The market is willing to work with a green supplier, who can finance mobility for them and can also drive the cars quickly.”

What consequences will these acquisitions and expected growth have for the way in which customers do business with us? “Under Kroymans, we will continue in the way that makes us so successful. Other leasing companies apply strict frameworks, which means that some things are possible but also many things are not. When a customer contacts us, we are excited to find a way in which we can make it possible for them. We have the freedom to move with them, but we also have a lot of knowledge of the product and of the financial matters associated with it. That makes us very creative advisors within the car leasing industry. And you notice that when you do business with us. Tailor-made mobility is the soul of our company, now and in the future.”

How does this method work in practice? “In a very loyal customer base, who have voluntarily committed themselves to us for a longer period of time. Many car leasing companies say that they are flexible, but in practice it turns out that they are not able to live up to this at all in the long run. Our true flexibility is appreciated by customers with a positive and long-term business relationship.”

What does Franco Vosse do in his spare time? “A big part of my identity is in Italy, my mother's native country. I like to go there; i like that way of life. I have three children: my son is pursuing a career in New York, my middle daughter is a graphic designer, and my youngest daughter is the manager of a large store in Amsterdam. I am also crazy about sports. I have a 'fatbike', a bike with extra fat tires. I fanatically cover considerable distances on the beach with it. I also have two dogs that need a lot of exercise: Olivia, she looks like such a dangerous fighting dog but is really super sweet, and Louis, a brown Labrador. Finally, in my life, many social activities take place in the evenings around the business. I honestly think that my job is my biggest hobby.”